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Blosxom Plugin xautopost

Okay... I know that autoposting has gotten a lot of bad press lately... the term "splog" comes to mind, but let's face it... there usually aren't enough hours in the day for us to post to our blogs EVERY day.

So... to help time constrained Blosxom bloggers everywhere, I put together this cool little plugin.

Configure it up as per the documentation, and lo-and-behold, at least once per week you'll have a flurry of new posts that you can even add your own comments to.


File name: xautopost.zip
File size: 31K
Downloads: 26
I use and/or have created these programs/scripts/files myself.
Nothing I've created contains malicious code, and to my knowledge, other files contain no malicious code either.
Even so, I take no responsibility for any issues resulting from their use.

posted at: 12:48pm on 17-Feb-2006
path: /Downloads | permalink | edit (requires password)

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Amazing Perl output capturing `sniplet`

Here's a terrific little chunk of code I found while searching for a way to capture some output from a Perl script, the output of which was being used in a Server-Side-Include.

I wanted the ability to use the same script, capture the output into a variable, then "escape" the output for use as a javascript feed.

It works like a charm. All output going to STDOUT is captured into a variable without requiring any modification to your original subroutine.

You're then able to do some work on it before PRINTing it to the restored STDOUT.
Try it for yourself.

File name: stdout_redir.pl
File size: 746 bytes
Downloads: 33
I use and/or have created these programs/scripts/files myself.
Nothing I've created contains malicious code, and to my knowledge, other files contain no malicious code either.
Even so, I take no responsibility for any issues resulting from their use.

posted at: 11:23am on 07-Jan-2006
path: /Downloads | permalink | edit (requires password)

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Help For The Chromatically Challenged

Here are three of my favorite color work programs.

1) Pixel Toolbox:

This gem allows you to build one of those cool "favicon.ico" icons that you see in front of the url for the site you're visiting (like this one), in the location window of your browser.

2) LittleRGB:

Pick colors (or blend your own) and get the RGB values and even the HTML hex code for pasting into your web pages.

3) ColorDetector:

This one's my favorite. Fire it up and you instantly get the RGB and HTML hex codes for any color under your mouse pointer. Works with any application, even websites currently in your browser (allowing you to copy a favorite color scheme exactly).

File name: colorprogs.zip
File size: 5,314K
Downloads: 27
I use and/or have created these programs/scripts/files myself.
Nothing I've created contains malicious code, and to my knowledge, other files contain no malicious code either.
Even so, I take no responsibility for any issues resulting from their use.

posted at: 8:42pm on 05-Jan-2006
path: /Downloads | permalink | edit (requires password)

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