Create your own Email This Page bookmarklet
Here's a quick way to send yourself an email containing a link to any page you want to visit again later. You can even enter a price if it was something you were thinking of buying.
Start by clicking to add a bookmark to your browser's toolbar. For the Name field, enter "Email This Page". For the URL field, copy all of the code below, and paste it in. Then replace YOUR.EMAIL.ADDRESS@HERE.COM, with the address of where you always want these emails sent. Finally, click Save.
That's it. Now, no matter what page you're on, you just click your new Email This Page bookmarklet, and it'll prompt for a price, if there's none just click the "OK" button (or press the Enter key), and you'll be taken to your email client in a formatted email with a prefilled Subject and Body.
The Subject will be the title of the page you're on. And the Body will contain a link to the page, and if you entered a price, it'll show up below the link for reference. Then just click Send.
If you want to exit without doing anything, just click Cancel.
Note: Some web pages do their own javascript stuff that might cause your new "Email This Page" bookmarklet to not work as expected, or at all, so just be aware of that.
Hope you find it as useful as I do.
============== code below ==============
javascript:(function(){ea='YOUR.EMAIL.ADDRESS@HERE.COM';per="";price=prompt("Enter the price or press Enter key: ");prtxt="" ;if (price === null) {} else {if (price != "") {per='/ea';prtxt=escape('\r\n\r\n')+"$"+price};lhref=location.href;location.href='mailto:'+ea+'?subject='+escape(document.title)+'&body='+escape(lhref)+prtxt+per};})();
============== code above ==============
posted at: 12:32pm on 09-Nov-2023 path: /Programming/Bookmarklets | permalink | edit (requires password)