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Spoof Check
Here's a simple but effective tool in the fight against phishing and ultimately, identity theft.
Save this as a toolbar bookmark (a bookmarklet), and use it to check if you've visited a "spoofed" site or not.
tip: left-click and drag this site's url icon to your toolbar, then right-click it to edit its properties, and change the "location" to contain the code below, and the "name" to Spoof Check.
javascript:alert("The actual URL is:\t\t" + location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + "/" + "\nThe address URL is:\t\t" + location.href + "\n" + "\nIf the server names do not match, this may be a spoof.");
posted at: 1:23am on 06-Dec-2006 path: /Programming/Javascript | permalink | edit (requires password)
Libraries Make A Coder's Life Easier
And I'm not talking about the kinds with old fashioned card catalogs and ornery ladies with blue hair and reading spectacles around their necks.
The libraries of which I speak are of the Javascript codebase variety that allow sophisticated user interfaces to be incorporated into web pages by even the most casual of coders and webmasters.
Here's a good free one, called Dojo. As their website says,"Dojo lets you prototype interactive widgets quickly, animate transitions, and build Ajax requests with the most powerful and easiest to use abstractions available."
There are many out there.
So stop reinventing the wheel, and get going instead on offering that revolutionary new service of yours.
posted at: 5:41pm on 16-Feb-2006 path: /Programming/Javascript | permalink | edit (requires password)
Quick Amazon Direct URL Generator
I was tired of schlepping (spelling?) over to Amazon to re-familiarize myself with how to set up a direct url to a single product, so I created this little bookmarklet:
Create Amazon Url
It works as is, by clicking on it, or just left-click on it and drag it up to your browser's toolbar and it will be saved there for whenever you need it.
Once it's on the tool bar, right-click on its icon and left-click on the Properties menu selection.
When that comes up, you just have to change where it says "YourAmazonAffiliateIDHere", to be your actual Amazon affiliate id.
Happy Holidays!
posted at: 9:23am on 18-Dec-2005 path: /Programming/Javascript | permalink | edit (requires password)
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