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Bottled Water Backlash

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the recent proliferation of articles, both online and off, chastising the consumption of bottled water?

I say it's about time this industry is exposed for the farce that it is.

I've actually never been a really big bottled water fan, not because of any high and mighty opinions about the environment and such, but just because it's always seemed so pointless to buy, considering it's always come out of a tap for free anywhere I've ever lived. I must admit though, after reading last month's Fast Company article, I've started to not like the idea of bottled water for more reasons than just my thriftiness.

It's audaciously wasteful, we now know it's not nearly as pure an experience as we were led to believe, and worst of all, I can't help but feel like there are overpaid bottled water company executives, smoking cigars and sipping scotch (straight of course - no water), laughing and nudging each other at the thought of the ignorant throngs paying them more per gallon FOR WATER than gasoline!

So just say no people. Eliminate at least one exploitation from your life.

posted at: 1:36am on 17-Aug-2007
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