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Sat, 11 Nov 2023

State Department Promotes Public-Private Dialogue to Spur Investment in Strategic Mining, Processing, and Recycling Opportunities to Advance the Clean Energy Transition

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Office of the SpokespersonDemand for critical minerals, which are essential to the clean energy transition and other technologies, is projected to grow by 4 to 6 times by 2040. For some minerals, like lithium, demand will increase as much as 42 timesin the coming decades. Transparent, diverse, predictable, secure, and sustainable supply chains for critical minerals are vital to deploying clean energy technologies at the speed and scale necessary to combat climate change.On November 1, 2023, the State Department, alongside the nonprofit SAFE's Center for Critical Minerals Strategy, announced theMinerals Investment Network for Vital Energy Security and Transition (MINVEST), a new public-private partnership to provide investment opportunities in strategic mining, processing, and recycling, which are held to the highest environmental, social, and governance standards. The State Department launched a webpage to spur interest across the public and private sectors to address challenges and create opportunities through MINVEST.Visit the State Department's MINVEST webpage to learn more about how to engage:https://www.state.gov/minvest.To stay updated, follow the State's Office of Global Partnerships Twitter@GPatState, Facebook@GPatState, and LinkedIn@GPatState, or the hashtag#MINVESTPartnership.For questions about potential partnership opportunities, please contact:MINVEST@secureenergy.com, and for media inquiries:gp_pdcomms@state.gov.

Read more here

posted at: 12:00am on 11-Nov-2023
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home << Policy << auto state department promotes public private dialogue to spur investment in strategic mining processing and recycling opportunities to advance the clean energy transition

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