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May 2023
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Google Nixes 'Downloader' App From Store After DMCA Says Its Browser Can Get To Piracy Sites

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As anyone who reads this site regularly will know, DMCA abuse happens all the time. Typically you see this sort of thing resulting from clear attempts to hobble a competitor, or to silence content someone doesn’t want to see, or pure trolling for the purposes of producing mayhem. But we also see this kind of […]

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posted at: 12:00am on 31-May-2023
path: /Policy | permalink | edit (requires password)

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Maryland Cops Can't Seem To Understand Why Marijuana Legalization Means They Can't Search Cars Just Because They Smell Marijuana

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Everyone likes an easy day at the office. Cops are no exception. They like easy excuses to disregard the Fourth Amendment. Pretextual stops are how cop business has been done for years. Any missing tail light or (subjectively) too dark window tint is enough to initiate a traffic stop and apply pressure on drivers to […]

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posted at: 12:00am on 31-May-2023
path: /Policy | permalink | edit (requires password)

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