Reddit Defeats Film Studios' Attempt To Reveal Identities Of Anonymous Users Over RCN Trial
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Back in March, we discussed a fairly silly request, made by several film producers who are suing RCN for not being their copyright police, that the court subpoena Reddit to unmask 9 users of that site. There were several aspects of the request that made it all very dumb: half the Reddit users never mentioned […]
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posted at: 12:00am on 05-May-2023 path: /Policy | permalink | edit (requires password)
Fifth Circuit Tells Bad Cop That Being Placed On The 'Do Not Call' List For Witnesses Does Not Violate His Rights
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If cops screw up enough, they may get blacklisted by prosecutors. These lists known as “Brady” or “Giglio” lists (depending on jurisdiction) inform prosecutors that they may not want to ask these officers to testify due to their long histories of misconduct. Most lawsuits generated by cops appearing on these lists deal with […]
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posted at: 12:00am on 05-May-2023 path: /Policy | permalink | edit (requires password)