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May 2023
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Harpo Settles With 'Oprahdemics' Podcast, Gets Name Change That's Silly

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Last summer, we discussed a fairly silly trademark suit brought by Harpo Inc., Oprah Winfrey’s production company, against Roulette Productions, responsible for the “Oprahdemics” podcast. While the name of the podcast is obviously a nod to its main subject matter, Oprah, it’s also the case that the podcast is a journalistic endeavor covering the history […]

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posted at: 12:00am on 10-May-2023
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Starlink Ditches Caps, But Congestion, Price Hikes, And Slower Speeds Remain A Problem

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Analysts had been quietly noting for a while that Starlink satellite broadband service would consistently lack the capacity to be disruptive at any real scale. As it usually pertains to Musk products, that analysis was generally buried under product hype. A few years later, and Starlink users are facing obvious slowdowns and a steady parade of price […]

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posted at: 12:00am on 10-May-2023
path: /Policy | permalink | edit (requires password)

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