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March 2023
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Italy Decides That Leonardo da Vinci's 500 Year Old Works Are Not In The Public Domain

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Walled Culture is a big fan of the public domain. The amazing artistic uses that people are able to make of material only once it enters the public domain are an indication that copyright can act as an obstacle to wider creativity, rather than something that automatically promotes it. But there's a problem: because the public […]

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posted at: 12:00am on 18-Mar-2023
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Insecuring Your Home And Data: Ring Vendor Apparently Hit With Ransomware Attack

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Ring offers security products. Shame they’re not all that secure. Sure, things have improved in recent years, but there was nowhere to go but up. In December 2019, multiple reports surfaced of Ring cameras — most of them inside people’s houses — being hijacked by malicious idiots who used the commandeered cameras to yell nasty […]

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posted at: 12:00am on 18-Mar-2023
path: /Policy | permalink | edit (requires password)

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