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March 2023
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Amazon Annoys Ring Owners Further By Making Very Basic Features Subscription Based

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The relentless push to make every last feature in every tech device you own part of a subscription service shows no sign of slowing down. Fitness companies like Fitbit have increasingly shoveled basic health monitoring features into their subscription plan. Companies like BMW have increasingly tried to make basic concepts like heated seats a subscription-only […]

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posted at: 11:59am on 08-Mar-2023
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Elon's (Good?) New DMCA Policy Appears To Be The Result Of Lots Of Confusion & Misunderstanding

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On Monday, I saw Elon Musk tweet the following, and initially thought that he might have actually made a good policy decision for once, and planned to write up something about Elon doing something right (contrary to the opinion of some, I'm happy to give him credit when it's due): Punching back against DMCA abusers […]

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posted at: 12:00am on 08-Mar-2023
path: /Policy | permalink | edit (requires password)

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Telecom Monopolies Win Again: Gigi Sohn Forced To Withdraw From FCC Nomination

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Telecom and media giants (News Corporation, AT&T, and Comcast, mostly) have spent big bucks to scuttle the FCC nomination of popular reformer Gigi Sohn. That’s involved seeding all kinds of bullshit claims in the press (with the GOP’s help) about how Sohn hates rural America, police, puppies, and freedom. Some of the most recent attacks […]

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posted at: 12:00am on 08-Mar-2023
path: /Policy | permalink | edit (requires password)

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